

Sometimes to learn, we first need to unlearn 

Everyone should have equal access to education.

So if you want to start learning more about anti-racism, implicit bias, and critical thinking but you don’t have the budget for my workshops, this is the place to start.

I have collated a wide variety of resources over the years everything from books and online articles to podcasts and videos.

You’ll find a selection of my own videos, audio, and articles and below that, you’ll find even more free DEI resources I love by others.

So keep on scrolling, there’s lots to dive into!

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Watch Dr. Melissa Crum in action

TEDx Talk: A Tale of Two Teachers

My eighth-grade math teacher told me I was “pretty smart for a Black girl.” Find out what I’ve been doing to help teachers ever since.

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Race and Identity Definitions Toolkit for Educators

You need to arm yourself with the right language to have the difficult conversations... this is a good starting point. 

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Creative Mornings: The Taboo Stories We Hold 

One to watch if you’re curious how educators can demystify implicit biases, institutional prejudice, and taboo in the classroom.

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Research on 2020 Summer Protests in Columbus, Ohio

I talk with Former US Attorney Carter Stewart to discuss his work on the Research Evaluation of the City of Columbus’ Response to the 2020 Summer Protests.

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Learning Unboxed Episode 120: Creating Brave Spaces in the Classroom

I discuss why brave spaces are important, how coded messages in children’s media can have an impact on their perception of the world, and how to facilitate difficult conversations in the classroom.

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Unpacking Anti-DEI Rhetoric

I dive into the troubling rise of anti-DEI rhetoric and legislation across the country and explore the root causes and implications of this phenomenon.

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Listen to Dr. Melissa Crum on podcasts

Creating Brave Spaces in the Classroom

What makes a space brave instead of just safe?

Listen to find out...

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Anti-Racist Teaching Through Art

This one gives a little insight into how you can use art to help talk about anti-racism.

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Lifelong Learning and the Brave Space

Topics for this one include diversity, equity, and inclusion as well as critical race theory.

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What You CAN Say, When It Feels Like You Can t Say Anything Anymore

And why the brave space is so important for this.

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The Problem With Safe Spaces With Dr. Melissa Crum

Hear negotiation concepts put into practice.

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Read articles by Dr. Melissa Crum

Eggs, Oreos, & Solidarity: MCRP in Our Daily Lives

What happens when a waitress described herself as an “egg” (white woman with a yellow identity) to a DEI practicioner...

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A Museum in Progress: The Practice of White Accompliceship with African Exhibitions

Read about the long-term impact of historic “exotic” museums on today’s culture.

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Public vs. Charter: How Black Parents and the Right are Complex Allies

Jump to pages 10-11 to read Dr. Crum’s article in the Columbus African American News Journal.

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Ready to dive deeper into your race research? 

Bookmark this page now! Trust me, there’s lots below that’s worth coming back to.

Scroll down to check out my favorite podcasts, articles, and other learning materials that I’ve been collecting over the years.

Digging Deeper into Leadership and DEI

Race, Class & Pandemics

Exploring Race Identity Formation

Exploring Whiteness as a Construct

Environmental Racism

Race, the System of Education and Community Impact

Race, Curriculum & Classroom Culture

Race and Ability

Race and Immigration

Race, Intersectionality, and Discipline

Race & Gender

Race, Assimilation, Erasure, and Misunderstandings

Race and Housing

Race, Police, and Criminal Justice

Race and the Workplace

Pssst.... don’t forget to check out my affordable mini-courses that you can watch in under two hours

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