By Melissa Crum
February 1, 2024
You’re great at what you do, I am sure of it. But I bet there are som e elements of your job that you struggle with (because you are human after all!). And while I don’t know what those are for you, the one challenge I see over and over again in my workshops is how to manage people. Because most managers are not trained on how to be a “great manager,” they’re promoted to manager because they’re great at what they do, which is an entirely different skill set. Add race to the picture and well, your job just got a whole lot harder ! I’ve got one tip for you… After leading workshops in more than 200+ businesses, organizations, and schools across the country, it’s this: When you dismiss someone, demote someone, or give someone life-changing negative news in the workplace, it should not be the first time they hear the reason why. Workplaces need to have a system in place to give consistent feedback (following inclusive practices) so bosses can talk to employees about their shortcomings and offer training on those areas long before it reaches the critical stage. And that requires bravery. Why? Because it is so much easier to say nothing than to call someone into your office and be transparent about their shortcomings. You will feel a bit awkward, a bit vulnerable in those conversations. And they may not always be very pleasant. But that bravery will help individuals grow, as long as training and helpful support is also offered. And then you’ll have a team that is not only happy but has an enviably low turnover. Because you, are officially an awesome manager! If you’re not a manager and you worry about being on the receiving end of bad news like this in the workplace, I can email you some tips and thoughts to help you in my next post if you like? Let me know! Warm regards, Melissa PS I’d love to know if you have any burning questions that I can help you with… If you’ve got a situation at work that you’d like some DEI advice on, drop me a quick reply now because I’d be happy to address it for you in a future blog post (and I’d keep you 100% anonymous of course!).