I found myself glued to my laptop for the past three days. Being inserted into, inserting myself into, and creating conversations about Ferguson, the verdict, and the responses to it. Here is a part one of a series of facebook posts on my wall. Lawyers and university professors answered my questions:
Nov. 25th
My initial post:
To all the lawyers, judges, and political scientists… The goal of a grand jury is NOT to convict but to simply say that there is enough evidence to move forward with a trial that COULD determine a conviction or not. Right?
Jocelyn: Correct. The prosecutor presents the evidence to the grand jury or can choose to indict without using a grand jury. It breaks down to what evidence is presented and how that evidence is presented.
Moyah: Correct. It’s usually a one sided presentation of evidence from the prosecutor’s viewpoint and it usually leads to an indictment.
Melissa Crum: So… since the prosecutor is FOR Mike Brown then can we say that either the information was poorly presented OR…. well I don’t know… what else could it be?
” According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. attorneys prosecuted 162,000 federal cases in 2010, the most recent year for which we have data. Grand juries declined to return an indictment in 11 of them… legal experts agree that, at any level, it is extremely rare for prosecutors to fail to win an indictment… Cases involving police shootings, however, appear to be an exception.”
For the educators, this is a great opportunity to teach systemic racism…
Jocelyn Remember the prosecutor in this case is the son of a slain police officer. He’s made it clear he’s pro-police.
Melissa Crum Wait what! I didn’t know that! You have got to be kidding me. Jocelyn, Is there not a recusing procedure for that?
Moyah: It’s how the evidence was presented to the grand jury, you had the defendant testify, you had witnesses that contradicted each other…etc. With that presentation of facts….this was the only result unfortunately.
Melissa Crum : So, is the prosecutor a state employee or hired by the Brown family?
Moyah: I believe he is a city employee he was not hired by the Brown family.
Melissa Crum So, could the Brown family (if they had the resources) have hired an attorney that could have had their best interest in mind? Meaning a lawyer that was not pro-police? Or did they have to use the city prosecutor?
Jocelyn: The prosecutor is a county employee. In most counties, he is an elected official.
Melissa Crum Ahh… so people in Missouri should keep this in mind next local election…
Moyah: No they could not have in the criminal case. They can always hire an attorney for a civil case.
Melissa Crum So they had no choice… damn. And there is only one county prosecutor to choose from?
Moyah: Exactly! He is an elected official. This is where voting matters. In addition, in Missouri I believe assaulting a cop is a felony and they are allowed to use deadly force if they perceive an assault is imminent. People need to start addressing these laws that are on the books. I understand the rage…but when all is said and done…hopefully people can start going to PTA meetings, city council meetings, community meetings and showing up at the state house during the legislative session.
Melissa Crum Was the county prosecutor election this month as well? I wonder if they waited to give the decision because wanted to wait until AFTER local elections as to not jeopardize his position…
Moyah: Not sure. In Baltimore City the State’s Attorney is elected to a four year term. So it depends on how long his term was for and if he was up for re-election this past November.
Melissa Crum Yep. He ran unopposed this November. How convenient.
Prosecutor in Charge of Michael Brown Investigation Running for Re-Election… Robert McCulloch, the prosecuting attorney for St. Louis…REASON.COM
Melissa Crum I was upset yesterday but I’m damn near fuming today. DAMN!
Moyah: With all the controversy surrounding the prosecutor….I think it may have been a wiser decision if the Governor had brought in a special prosecutor…
Melissa Crum So whether or not to bring in a special prosecutor is determined by the governor only? And only considered based on his judgement call? Also, is this the closest thing to a recusing (??) process?
Melissa Crum And thank you Moyah and Jocelyn for being so willing to answer my questions!!! # ItsGoodToKnowLawyers
Moyah: Yes, I believe it’s at the sole discretion of the governor (don’t quote me though lol).
Melissa Crum So could they move forward with a civil case and hire their own lawyer or are grand jury decisions final?
Melissa Crum Nyron or Kalitha maybe you know this (??) Even though McCulloch ran unopposed that doesn’t mean he automatically wins right? He still has to acquire a certain amount of votes?
Moyah: They can move on and hire a civil attorney and proceed, which is exactly what they did in the Simpson case.
Melissa Crum ^that’s what I was thinking. They won their civil case right? But that also means the Brown family needs the resources to hire a good lawyer… Now class… access to resources determines justice at this point… sigh
Moyah : They did.
Nyron : Melissa Crum, he received 95% of the vote, so no threshold necessary to consider.
Melissa Crum : Nyron: Ok, so what if he ran unopposed and no one voted for him or maybe 40%. Would he still win?
Nyron: Yes, most likely.
Melissa Crum O_O… sigh. DAMN!
Ashlee: Good questions Melissa Crum
Ashanti: Yay for Melissa Crum for asking the right questions. This is a lot more complex than we all initially realized.
Danielle: Well this has been revealing. Thanks.
Melissa Crum Oluwaseun, Carmichael, Brown, Ivory, Chris or others, do you know if a grand jury’s decision NOT to indict determines whether or not a case can proceed to civil court or does it only affect criminal court?
Brandi: Thanks Missy for asking some great questions and for the feedback from those with the knowledge! This is how we grow…empower one another with knowledge!
Nyron : It only affects criminal proceedings. You can sue almost anyone, so long as its for more than, I think, $20. In this case, they would likely sue the Ferguson police department, not Wilson himself.
Melissa Crum Nyron, is there ANY way people could NOT gotten McCulloch re-elected other than trying to get another candidate on the ticket?
Ivory: Melissa Crum well, what good would civil do?
Trevor: It only affects the criminal proceedings! They can very much so move forward with a civil case!
Felicia: These questions and answers should be posted for a wider audience. For a better understanding of the political and legal process. And why every vote really does matter. We’re going to be in this political shakedown for many years now.
Brown: Not at all Melissa. The family hired Parks & Crump… They will be getting paid.
Nyron: Short of him not running, and folks not voting for him, no.
Trevor: I read all the comments and I think the ladies answered everything to the T! Special prosecutors are on governor’s orders. This is by far the strangest grand jury proceeding I’ve heard of. You’re typically seeking an indictment and this was clearly a criminal trial in grand jury posture in my opinion.
Melissa Crum : Thanks Trevor and Brown! Brown, do you know anything about this firm? Nyron, so he would have to get absolutely NO votes to lose since he was running unopposed?
Brown: Additionally, civil lawsuits seek to punish for civil liability, not criminal liability. I can imagine that they will cast the net wide- Ferguson PD, city of Ferguson, HOA for the community, insurance co for market, co. responsible for Ferguson PD protocol and procedures, etc. Most of these will prob settle before a lawsuit is even filed though.
Trevor: Parks & Crump are a very talented and well respected firm. The also represented the family of Trayvon Martin. Benjamin Crump in my opinion his making his way to being compared to the civil version of Johnny Cochran.
Brown: Yes Melissa. They are the big kahunas here in Fla. Started out in Tallahassee, got some big verdicts with the tobacco cases, Trayvon Martin’s parents Atty.
Trevor : I believe he branched off from Willie Gary down in Stuart, FL, who is a brilliant attorney!
Nyron : Basically, though even that would be an unlikely prospect.
Oluwaseun : the civil suit is just about money damages….and unfortunately, even though the grand jury’s determination isnt supposed to weigh in, it often does. Furthermore like chris said, a civil suit solves nothing. We needed a criminal trial because that is how we condemn behavior as a society and establish precedent for the next time this thing happens (which it will).
Brown Oluwasen- Youre right but sadly, its the only way many of these families see “justice.” This is why there has not and probably will not ever be a collective stance on these issues or any real change effectuated. Money talks and money walks. It has the power to quelch the “public” anger of those most closely effected by these instances and causes them to change their cry for REFORM to a cry for victim advocacy and peace. Its the name of the game and it was Jessie and Al’s bread and butter until their financials were revealed. Incite outrage just long enough for the check to clear and then move it right along. At some point, someone will decide this is NOT ok for their families or their people and will determine not to be paid for their silence.
Melissa Crum : Thanks Oluwaseun, Brown and Trevor! I’m not sure if this is the right word, but is there a “recusing” process for prosecutors, similar to judges, if it is believed there is a conflict of interest? I’m thinking because it was known prior to the Mike Brown case that the prosecutor was “pro-police”…
Melissa Crum Well… here we go friends… http://www.huffingtonpost.com/…/mound-city-ferguson…
Bar Association Calls On Prosecutor To Recuse Himself From Ferguson Investigation One of the oldest African-American bar associations in…HUFFINGTONPOST.COM
Melissa Crum ” The Mound City Bar Association is concerned that St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Bob McCulloch’s family ties with St. Louis’ police department may impact his ability to conduct an impartial investigation. The prosecutor’s father, mother, brother, uncle and cousin have all worked for the department, and his father was killed while responding to a call involving a black suspect, according to CBS News. “
Melissa Crum So… it sounds like he could only recuse himself?? WTH?
Melissa Crum So.. the governor could have called in a special prosecutor or recused McCulloch but didn’t. Sounds like Missouri needs to remember Jay Nixon during the next election… and not re-elect him or anyone he supports. http://www.cbsnews.com/…/missouri-governor-wont-seek…/
Missouri governor won’t remove prosecutor from Ferguson case Grand jury could begin hearing testimony as soon as…CBSNEWS.COM
Melissa Crum ” Nixon earlier told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch that he would appoint a special prosecutor if McCulloch himself felt he should step aside.” ” McCullouch has said he has no intentions of leaving the case, but would if Nixon demanded it. REALLY??
Anna: Those two did a great job of passing the buck, didn’t they?
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